
From the Sketchbook: "Comic-Con Tiger" © Kari Raley

The San Diego International Comic-Con starts tomorrow!  My four-day badge is in hand.  I'm looking forward to all of the panels on art, artists & promotion, as well as some of my favorite T.V. shows and upcoming movies, PLUS all of the great art out on the vendor floor.  :)

Oh, and lets not forget -- waiting in LONG lines to get in to some of those panels (a.k.a. the perfect opportunity to draw).


From the Sketchbook: A New Direction

This week I'm trying a new approach to my art.

No, I haven't taken a random class, nor have I gone to college for this. Honestly, I just get bored doing things the same way over and over. I've been approaching my artwork the same way for over 20 years.