
"Tiger Tangle That's Not A Tangle" - 5"x5" ink on paper © Kari Raley

Tiger © Kari Raley
"Tiger Tangle That's Not A Tangle"
5" x 5" ink on paper
© Kari Raley

When I brought out my supplies to get started on this one, I had intended to try my hand at a Zentangle, as I've seen more and more of this phenomenon popping up around here.

However, as with just about all of my artwork, as I progressed, things morphed into something else entirely.  It became a series of lines - none of which are straight, incidentally - that are all connected.

The only aspects of this piece that are still related to a "tangle" are the size (3.5" x 3.5" drawing) and the relaxation effect that drawing has.


Design: Car Show T-Shirts

T-Shirt design for the Camaro Club of San Diego © Kari Raley
T-Shirt design for the
Camaro Club of San Diego
© Kari Raley
So much has been going on, I don't even know where to start.  In addition to teaching myself Adobe Photoshop for many, many years, I've decided to start teaching myself Adobe Illustrator as well.  With no classroom or instructor to guide me, it has been a long, steep, and often rocky learning cliff.  The reward of discovering how to do something myself, though, is soooo satisfying!

Here's the T-Shirt design I started on back in Sept. 2013 for a local car club.  Although I would have liked to play around with it a bit more, time ran out quickly once the club found a T-Shirt vendor ready to go forward with printing.

Now it's time to work on the 2014 show's shirt!