
"Comic-Con Tiger" © Kari Raley. 5½" x 8½" pencil on paper

"Comic-Con Tiger" © Kari Raley
5½" x 8½" pencil on paper

It's been four years in the making, and now it's finally finished. What started out as just a sketch in my (very old) sketchbook gradually became a more detailed drawing as time went by.

In 2011, I attended San Diego Comic-Con International. I needed something to occupy myself while waiting in a very long line. So, I started sketching.  Two hours later, I got into the panel I'd been waiting for, and by that time I had a rough outline with some spaces marked where the stripes would be.

This continued over the four days of 'Con, each day only working on it while I had to wait in line for a discussion panel. By the end of the weekend, I thought to myself, "What a great way to make the time go by fast," as well as being a conversation-starter with those around me.

Thus, I made a rule for myself: I would only continue the drawing while at San Diego Comic-Con, and only while waiting in line for a discussion panel. Now here it is, four years later, finished during the last panel on the last day of Comic-Con 2014.

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